This Pill Turns Your Wife CRAZY
Norethisterone: the crazy pill
No way. If you have to take that again for 3 weeks I'm dropping you off to scrap with steroid abusers. There has to be another drug?
I knew this article would be fun to write, not least because my wife will hate it. Norethisterone is just a contraceptive, used by IVF practicioners to control a woman's period before starting a cycle (also used if transferring frozen embryos). Great. Trouble is, it turned my wife into a fire breathing man-eating dragon slayer. The devil in disguise. Not in a playful, cheeky way like Elvis sang about, more of a uncontrollable rage, stamping, agressive Hitler-croco-bomb. Now, you might be thinking, this could just be the woman you fell in love with. I seem like a guy who likes a challenge, you're right, but this was in fact not my wife. Not even half true. She's actually the calm, de-escalating one in this marriage. Now there were two arseholes under one roof. Dynamite.
The mania started with the stuff and ended with it, so we know pretty clearly it was that. Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and it could affect others differently but this is how it affected my darling wife. If you want to see for yourself, she's agreed to take Norethisterone again for a new Netflix show, "Queen Kong".